Friday, February 15, 2013

Can't get out of my head....


I can have so many ideas but no will to execute them?

My imagination tortures me...

"god makes us dream but won't set us free,
god calls us dance to songs we can't hear."
-David Byrne and Selena

I don't want people I know to read my blog....and I still hate saying that word...


Momentum - see definition #2...look it up! I can't do everything for you!

A quick one to inspire me to do more. Just the physical act of something can remove inertia...although that is not my problem with this blog.

I think I'll change the colour and pics too. The ones from previous blog are soooooo corny! Cornball, cornish, cornosity inCORNporated!

Just a pic of someone I admire...

And some of my master dp work...that's Director of Photography, just so you don't go expecting too much....

More to come...

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ok..for now...

All right. That just about did me in..but I do like the way it looks. Sort of, New Orleans Bordello in honour of Mardi Gras and Valentines Day. 

I'm a little too pooped to throw any shade right now. Actually maybe I'm a little too shy, but as I get better at this....*ahem*...blogging (god, I hate that word and any of it's derivatives)...I hope to build the courage to express myself freely.

Time for a WINTER MOJITO...ta for now and don't forget to enjoy yourselves!

Well, I better get started....

I'm trying to set up this damn thing and it's very trying already...but I WILL persevere! That's what I do. I'm only disappointed that my very first foray into the new social media world will be a bit sloppy. By the way, I simply detest the word "blog".

All right then, here I go. Let's get this show on the road!